We as Christ's Beloved are loved and cherished by the LORD, our Heavenly Father. This is proven by Jesus' willingness to die for the World only to pick up His life again, ascend and then gift His Holy Spirit, empowering us to surely remain together as living sacrifices for the growth of His Kingdom - doing all things good through faith in the finished work of Christ who still lives through us, proclaiming Salvation to all those who are in the bondage of sin. This keeps every Minister protected and preserved by God, as the apple of His eyes, serving as channels of His Love, taking on the yoke of Christ for the redemption of all who receive the Word by faith: God is Love (Ps. 17:8, Is. 53:12, 1 J. 4:7-14).
This is the grace available to Believers, having our lives safely hidden in the everlasting hands of the LORD, and only we can choose to lay it down in surrender to God and for another in need, receiving Jesus' life's blood so that we may have authority to arise anew in Christ Jesus our Lord for His glory, to be shared in on the last day as Heirs of the Father.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for being the Protector of my life forever, making me willing and able to live like you, the life of self-sacrifice with the fervent desire to continue until the end, gaining souls as Your Kingdom advances, bearing more fruits in the True Vine, for Your glory. Please, keep me strengthened and motivated, both physically and spiritually, having all I need and more, in order to love those who are weaker, to the fullest, the way I've been greatly forgiven, in Jesus' Name,

From John 10:17-18


The flock of Jesus Christ is united under Him as the King of the Jews who is also our Shepherd as the head of the Church, while we choose to remain dependent and submissive as His Sheep and members of His body, justified and circumcised by the Holy Spirit, to the glory and praise of God. He never intended to have multiple folds remain separate from each other; rather, He came to gather the outcast who listens to His Word, as one with all dwelling in His sheepfold so that we may all feed together on His lush field and live in the comfort of His Divinely secured pen or barn (Isaiah 56:8, John 11:52).
Furthermore, being ambassadors of Christ, we've been assigned, not to separate the docile sheep from rebellious goats, but to stand in the gap praying, continually seeking and gathering sheep who are soiled and lost in the darkness of this World - revealing the Love and Light of God to them through discipleship and the declaration of the Good News, so that they may be redeemed and brought into the fold of Christ, united as one with the only existing flock, not found in a building made by human effort - the Church and Body of Christ, Who only has one Shepherd as the True and Eternal Head - Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior (Isaiah 42:6-7).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, Eternal Head, and Good Shepherd of the flock of God, for counting me worthy of Your Comforter, open pasture and safety of Your barn's shelter. Please, keep me anointed and motivated to seek, convert, and disciple more and more of Your sheep who are far from Your Divine presence, so that many may come to Light concerning their present situation, change their minds to think and act like Your Son, and become united with the one flock and Church who are submissive to You as the only Head Shepherd;

From: John 10:16


Every faithful Christian, ministering in Christ Jesus, the Word of God, lives self-sacrificially - willing to make new disciples and give everything received today as His Bride, for the growth of God's advancing Kingdom which lasts forever (Rom. 12:1). Also, living for Christ, the revelation of Divine Love and God's Word to man, makes us know our Father; for He and the Father are one (John 10:30, Rom. 8:38-39).
So, as the Messiah laid down His life for the redemption of many, we should not relent in doing the same for others, too so that many more may experience the Father's Love and forgiveness through us, being ambassadors of God's Kingdom on Earth (John 15:13, 1 John 3:16).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You Heavenly Father, for allowing me to know You through Your Word and True Love shown to me in Your Son, my All-Knowing and Blessed Redeemer who laid down His life for me. Please, continue strengthening me as a living sacrifice, for my loved ones and unto Your glory, so more souls may experience Your Love, coming to repentance for their eternal Salvation;

From John 10:15


As Sons and Daughters of Abraham who believed in Christ Jesus, we are adopted into the family of faith as the spiritual Israelite generation of today, circumcised in the Spirit to live for God's glory, being royal Priests and Brethren with Christ (1 Pet. 2:9). The Messiah and Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, knows everyone, seeing all that's in our hearts, even as we work in His Vineyard, noticing all who are faithful and those who are going against Him (Nahum 1:7, John 6:64).
Nevertheless, as Christians, we should always remain steadfast, far from evil, guarding what is good against loss, and never be ashamed of our Christ's Calling but knowing whom we are trusting and serving: the Covenant-keeping God and Good Shepherd who never forsakes His own (2 Tim. 1:12-14 & 2:19-22).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank you, LORD, my Good Shepherd, for helping me get to know You through Your Word, even as You know who I am, seeing through appearances, into my heart for You and Your people. Please, continue to keep me at peace in Your Divine presence, as I meditate on Your Word, that I may make you known, while never lacking the comfort of Your Love,

From John 10:14


As Ministers of the Good News,  declaring the Truth for the Salvation of souls, we are ambassadors of the only True and Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who gave up His life and precious blood for the redemption of our souls. He is the promised Shepherd, known as God's Word, who feeds folds of the LORD'S sheep, in the Spirit, to overcome the world by His Divine strength (Ezekiel 34:23)
Furthermore, the Messiah never leaves the Father's flock; rather, He gathers everyone into one flock and cares for them, even in His bosom, gently leading them to everlasting comfort, peace, and abundance of joy (Isaiah 40:11). So, being channels of God's Word, the living Lamb and True Shepherd, we should continue living in the fulfillment of our Calling and Divine identity in Christ - discipling every smiling sheep given by the LORD, bringing them to the Fount of Living Water, Jesus Christ, who sustains all who faithfully receive Him with joy, and we shall remain deserving of the Crown of Glory which the Chief Shepherd gives on the last day (1 Pet. 5:4, John 4:13-14 & 7:37-38, Rev. 7:17)
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, the Good Shepherd, for Your presence in my life keeps me comfortable in the abundance of Your Grace, Power, and Glory. Please keep me in Your loving arms as I live to declare Your advancing Kingdom, in Jesus' name;

From John 10:11-13


The Divine presence of Christ in a man, through the Holy Spirit, grants him possession of Life in abundance, being presently and eternally sustained to overcome all evil, protected even from ravenous false prophets who have not kept their lives, and delivered from wolves in sheep's clothing with the intention of devouring especially the weakest, on the edge of the fold of Christ (Matt. 7:15). This keeps every faithful Christian, commissioned as a Minister of the Good News, remaining spiritually strengthened and able to reach out to all who are dead in the Spirit, so that they too may have the grace of abundant Life in Christ, as they receive the Gospel of Truth.
No matter how hard the Devil may try, since adopted Sons and Daughters of God are one with the Son of Man, they will always remain preserved and sustained by Jesus, who has crushed the head of Satan, free from fear and destined for bringing growth to God's advancing Kingdom.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for I am redeemed by Your Word in whom I live each day in the abundance of Your grace. Please, keep me strengthened as I make known Your saving grace and rich Love to all, so that more souls may be granted Life in super-abundance as they receive Your Blood, in Jesus' Name,

From John 10:10


Jesus Christ, our Lord and Blessed Redeemer, is the only Door of Salvation leading to Elohim, the Creator of all things, as the Way, Truth, and Life - bringing redemption to all who wholeheartedly enter by Him alone (John 14:6). He is the Word of God, made flesh; as we remain steadfast, meditating on and abiding by it, we will always be in the presence of the Father, as disciples of Christ through the Holy Spirit who lives in us (John 1:14, 8:31). This allows us to forgive people and bind things in Heaven as it is on Earth and together create realities in Heaven as on Earth, in His Name (Matt. 18:18-20).
Also, as Christians, going through the Door of Salvation keeps us in the abundance of His grace and surrounded by His glory, being co-heirs with Christ the Messiah of our souls, satisfied in union with the True God.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Blessed Word in my life, granting me full access to abide in Your presence in the Spirit. Please, keep me strengthened and willing to always reach out to every imprisoned soul seeking salvation, as I endlessly proclaim the Good News so that many may realize that Your Word and Son, Jesus Christ, is the only true Door leading to the Father of all creation,

From John 10:9


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...