We should always remain faithful and courageous, rebuking every thought stimulating doubts and fear for the LORD is with the humble in the Spirit, He has done what He said and will come in His glory and majesty to relieve every Believer worshipping Him in Truth and in the Spirit, from the oppression of the agents of darkness and forces of wickedness opposing God's advancing Kingdom and the peace of His Children on Earth (Is. 41:10). Our Calling in Christ identifies us as channels of God's living Word, ministering through His Spirit to bring the good tidings of great joy as we declare the Gospel of Salvation to all, without fear (Is. 40:9). The Lamb of God comes to redeem the likes of us, in an approachable and humble form; therefore, we have no reason to be worried or afraid as vessels of the Holy Spirit sharing the Truth of God's Word, so we should continue voicing it out, that many may be redeemed before the King of Kings arrives again - to reward every soul according to each of their works (Zech. 9:9, Rev. 22:12).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for taking away the Spirit of fear and giving me Love, power, and a sound mind to testify of Your great kindness to all (2 Tim. 1:7). Please, keep me strengthened and focused on reaching out to souls lacking the knowledge of Your Word so that many may be reborn and their souls saved for God's advancing Kingdom,

From John 12:15


Every Christian who serves the LORD, worshiping Him in Truth and the Spirit with all His strength and might from the depth of his or her heart, will surely be honored and blessed by God. Also, as we live for the LORD's glory, declaring His Word and revealing His Love to all, we will remain blessed and highly favored by everyone who receives the Truth and by their faith, is redeemed (Ps. 118:26).
Moreover, every exhortation given by men should only be received as an encouragement to walk to the end and never to allow pride to overcloud our thoughts; as we continue in all faithfulness and dedication, we will always remain honored, having been sent in the LORD's name.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me a vessel of honor, serving You in Your Vineyard, nurturing Your flock by Your Word who lives in me, even as some show appreciation for Your awesome presence in my life, to Your glory. Please, keep me focused on my Christ's calling so I may never relent; yet, work to the end, as did our Lord and the King of Kings, Jesus Christ,

From John 12:12-13


he effect of God's miraculous works in our lives makes true Christians known to the World as channels of His awesome wonders, producing a Divine force of attraction that makes many who are inquisitive to the Truth seek to confirm by having a personal encounter of our Divine transformation, only possible in Christ Jesus (John 12:18). Although, only God our Heavenly Father does miracles that last forever by the declaration of His Word and manifestation of His Spirit in the lives of His faithful, yet the fulfillment of His Word and the revelation of His awesome wonders motivates many with the desire to experience such great and mighty works, drawing them closer to us who are bringing them to repentance as they willingly receive Him by faith (John 11:45).
Moreover, being channels of God's mighty works and testimonies revealed to the World as Lights in Christ Jesus, the Kingdom of darkness and the forces of wickedness will be restless, trying to weaken or stop our increasing level of luminosity; still, we mustn't relent in proclaiming the testimonies of His greatness in our lives, for we've overcome them by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11).
 PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for granting me victory over death and the manipulations of the wicked one, as I live in the testimony of Your great and mighty works. Please, continue to use me for Your glory as a channel of Your awesome wonders, so that lives may be transformed and mindsets renewed as they witness and testify of Your Love, Grace, and Glory in my life; in Jesus' Name,

 From John 12:9-11


We should always encourage the faithful in Christ Jesus and not condemn nor discourage them when God knows all they do is to glorify the LORD, for the duty and calling of Believers identified with Christ requires them to "first seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness," so that all who focus on the True King may live fruitfully on Earth without concern for the future and remain deserving of our eternal inheritance in the bosom of the Father (Matt. 6:33). Although, it's necessary to help the poor and needy to reveal the Love of God dwelling in us, we should realize that the poor will always be available so we can lovingly attend to them with God prioritized before anything else (Deut. 15:11).
Knowing time on Earth is short but, as Christians, our eternal home is in Heaven with the Father, we should continue preaching the name of the LORD from the depth of our hearts, even when it displeases those against our Spiritual Calling and Christ's identity, which prevails over others' hidden, selfish agendas.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for granting me the possibility to serve You from the depth of my heart, with all my strength and might, as I look to You alone: the Author and Finisher of our faith. Please, keep me focused on You today, even as I show love to others, so that I may remain worthy of Your grace and spend eternity in Your Heavenly Kingdom,

From John 12:7-8


Called a Royal Priesthood of God's Kingdom - chosen, and ordained by the LORD to minister the Good News of Salvation to men, serving as channels of His Word empowered by the Holy Spirit to declare His Divine presence on Earth - we are graced with Divine authority to prophesy His goodwill to all, even without trying or realizing at times. This is done by the Spirit of God who lives in every anointed vessel faithfully serving the scattered people of the LORD, to convert souls by discipling them, as channels of His Light revealing God's Help and eternal solution, for the redemption of all who receive Him wholeheartedly (Is. 49:15 & 16).
Also, we shouldn't relent in spreading the Good News beyond our present location, for there are many we need to reach outside our comfortable border, so that souls may be transformed as they faithfully harken to the Word of God which we proclaim, becoming one with us in the Body of Christ (Ps. 22:26-32, John 10:16, Eph. 2:16). Besides, due to the sins of the Hebrews, Christ died for the whole World's sins so that the will of our Heavenly Father may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, establishing His Kingdom-Reign through the Church which keeps advancing as we endlessly bear more fruits that remain, being channels carrying His prophetic and eternal Word to mankind (Matt. 6:10, 1 John 2:2, Rev. 11:15).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for making me a channel of Your Holy Word, prophetically declared on Earth for the Salvation of all. Please, keep me revitalized in the Spirit to reach out to all in need of Your Divine and eternal Truth, so souls may beautifully transform to Your image and lives be renewed as they faithfully receive Your Word and Anointing,

From John 11:49-52


A personal experience with miracles or an encounter with a person produces a great impact in the lives of many who are receptive or weaker in faith, helping their spiritual eyes to be opened wide to the Truth of God's Word for the redemption of their souls (John 2:23). Although, some may ignore or reject the Truth, even when seen with their own eyes, still; those who hear and believe, receiving the Good News revealed in Words and miracles, are redeemed through faith in God's miraculous actions (John 12:11 & 18, Rom. 10:17).
Also, being channels of signs and wonders empowered by the LORD through the Holy Spirit who ministers, we live in the revelation of His Love and express it through compassionate acts that bear fruits for God's Kingdom, changing the mindsets of many to receiving Christ and living by His Spirit themselves as the first miracle they experience, granting them a Divine turn-around for the Salvation of their souls.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Everlasting King of Glory, for making me a channel of Your miraculous signs and wonders, even as I endlessly proclaim Your Word in love to all. Please open the eyes of all who are blind to the Truth, so that they may see, acknowledge, and receive Your Word which I constantly declare, so that their mindsets may be supernaturally transformed for the Salvation of their souls in Jesus' Name,

From John 11:45


Whoever Christ sets free is free indeed, safe from the Accuser of the Brethren and let loose from every chain or negative bond imposed by the Devil as a result of sin (John 8:36). This is the grace we have as Christians worshipping the LORD truly and spiritually, having our robes washed by the blood of the Lamb who keeps us redeemed from bindings of condemnation and death (Rev. 7:14).
Moreover, total freedom from captivity in our minds, emotions and every part of our body, comes through Christ alone; for all authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to Him and in Him, resurrection is sure for all Christians who are given the new ability to worship Him in Truth and the Spirit (Matt. 28:18, John 11:25).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, for You've set me free from deception mind and body with the help of Your people, my new family, granting me victory over death by The Word of Your Son, so that we may live forever for Your glory. Please, continue to keep me Divinely sustained through every lie to proclaim Your Word who gives Life to all who will believe and follow, line by line,

From John 11:43-44


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...