The Word of the LORD is powerful, granting everlasting Joy, Peace, and Divine restoration to all who receive Him; yet, those who reject the Truth made known to them, for pride and selfish reasons, end up being judged by the word spoken to them. We've been anointed in Christ through the Holy Spirit, to preach the Good News, convert, and disciple souls, as His ambassadors on Earth to minister in His Holy Name, so that as many as receive the Gospel which we proclaim may be accepted by the Father in Christ Jesus; at the same time, anyone who rejects us because of the Word which we affirm and declare, confirms their rejection of Elohim (Matt. 28:19-20, Luke 10:16).
Also, not harkening to the Truth prophesied through God's channels of ministration makes a man accountable to the LORD, whom he will be required to answer to on the Last Day; for, "he who is of God, hears God's words" (Deut. 18:19, John 8:47).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving abundantly of Your Word in my life, which restores an unending Joy and Peace, graced with everlasting life. Please, keep me strengthened to always lovingly share Your redeeming Word with all in need of Salvation so that I may never be discouraged by those who knowingly reject it, yet remain motivated by the return of the Faithful and True, to carry the cross until the end, in Jesus' Name,

From John 12:48


Christians are channels of God's Word assigned to proclaim the Good News of Salvation in love, without discrimination, nor is it right for the messenger to judge or condemn anyone who receives or rejects the Truth of which we testify today, for the Law which brought the realization of sin will make them see where they stand without Christ whose mercy is renewed towards them each day, received among the living (John 5:45, 1 Tim. 1:8-14, Lam. 3:22 & 23). Having been called and chosen by Christ Jesus to live as His ambassadors to the World, we are ordained as channels of God's Saving Grace, to bring redemption to the captives of sin by allowing many to hear and understand the Good News, most lovingly - ministering in the Spirit so that men may be delivered and not remain condemned, as they receive the Salvation of the LORD by faith (John 3:17, Rom. 10:17).
Therefore, as Ministers anointed with God's Spirit to proclaim the Gospel satisfactorily to the needy, open the eyes of those who are spiritually blind to the Truth, show His compassion to the broken-hearted, and set the captives free from the forces of darkness, we are meant to be gracious towards all as much as we also desire to receive mercy, but not to accuse or condemn anyone - only see our own sins covered as we turn others from error (Is. 61:1, Luke 4:18, 6:37 & 38, Jm. 5:20). This way, we remain pure channels of God's Salvation to the World and ambassadors moving forward His Kingdom, bearing fruits that last, for His glory.

PRAYER: Thank You, Ever-Loving God and Gracious Father, for making me a flowing channel of Your Love and Redeeming Grace to the World, free for the Salvation of souls back from the Accuser. Please, keep me growing in the Spirit and focused on living by Your Word gratefully so that as I spread the Good News of Salvation compassionately to all, I never condemn another as I deserve, but might see even one more forgiven and rescued, in Jesus' Name,

From John 12:47


We've been delivered from living under the forces of darkness, by faith in Christ Jesus, the Light of the World who is dwelling in and guiding every Believer through the path of righteousness so we may remain preserved forever, as we live for the growth of His permanently advancing Kingdom, declaring the Truth of God's Word who is made manifest as His redeeming Light, setting free from the captivity of Spiritual darkness, everyone who receives His Spirit (John 1:4-5, Eph. 5:13). Besides, abiding in the Light of a new day keeps one out of darkness, with the assurance of everlasting life granted to those who follow Jesus (John 8:12).
So, while having the Light of the LORD within and around us, we should embrace & call on Him in complete faith, as Children of God graciously preserved to maturity - sent to make known the testimony of His glorious presence so that others' faith may be rekindled as they hear what we preach and come out of the cave seeing as if for the first time, receiving the Good News wholeheartedly, for God's Salvation of lost souls (Rom. 10:13-15).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for Your Light in me reveals Your glorious presence, which keeps me impenetrably protected and preserved from the kingdom of shadows and power of the grave, as a vessel of Your glorious Light warming the Earth and showing the path of righteousness clearly to all on the way.  Please, keep me strengthened to reach out to those who need a Divine breakthrough from darkness humanity has long stumbled in, so that they may rise up and more souls may be saved as they believe in Your redeeming Word and come into everlasting Light, in Jesus' Name,

From John 12:46


Faith in God's everlasting Word, Jesus - who never fails yet remains forever as sent and shown - and our willingness to live and walk in the Spirit according to the ways and teachings of Christ, makes us have a personal experience with the invisible Father, seeing beyond the curtain of this physical World and through the realm of the supernatural, by grace; for He is in the Father and the Father in Him (John 5:23, 10:30 & 14:11). Also, by faithfully receiving God's Word through His ministering vessels, known as ambassadors advancing His Kingdom and co-heirs with Christ, we acknowledge and receive YHWH in Y'shua, who dwells in every Believer, the only one making us united as His body, and granting us everlasting life (Mark 9:37, John 5:24).
Therefore, we mustn't stop sharing the True, Good News with all lacking the knowledge of Elohim, so that many may be redeemed as they obtain the Word of the LORD, Jesus Christ, as the only Way leading to the Creator of all, through giving trust where it is due: to the Source (John 14:6).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, Thank You, LORD, Eternal Father, for making Your Divine presence known to me through Your Word. Please, keep me renewed in the Spirit and strengthened in faith so that I may always abide in Your company, as I testify in Love, of Your eternal existence through Christ who lives in me as the Holy Spirit whom You send like wind,

From John 12:44-45


Seeking and desiring praise from men while neglecting to confess the coming of Christ because of earthly pleasures, positions, and treasures hinder a man from eternal Salvation but do not hide the Truth from converting more souls from bowing to the Most High. Everyone who truly desires to be saved does not need to be afraid of losing worldly possessions, places, or even their lives; rather, realize that Elohim is our Creator and Jesus is the only Way leading to the Father, for the vanities of earth can never save a man from condemnation and the fear of any negative or oppressive authority can only make one captive under a falsehood of omission to the Father of lies - distant from the Truth and dead to the Spirit who gives life everlasting to all who receive God's Salvation (Matt. 16:25-26, John 9:22 & 14:6).
So, let's embrace the Truth and never fail to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of souls - declaring the testimony of our saving faith in His Name, while living for His glory - rising to bear fruits that remain for God's progressing Kingdom.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for my faith in You who sought no praise in this life, has helped me overcome the fear of men and every oppressive authority opposing my calling and identity in Christ (John 5:41). Please, keep me courageous and determined as an Overcomer, to always declare the Truth in Love - confessing You as the Redeemer of my soul so that many who are ignorant to the knowledge of Your Word may be encouraged to receive it, empowered without fear of what people will say, in Your Holy Name,

From John 12:42-43


Placing faith in the Light of God, Jesus Christ and the willingness to walk in Him as a Lamp to our feet, through the path of righteousness so we may not stumble, yet remain Divinely protected and eternally preserved as channels of the Light, assigned to bring God's Kingdom among those still blind and short on time to get to our Father (Ps. 119:105). So, as Christians, we should endeavor to walk in and through the Light who remains within and around us, being a guide to the world, protective shield, and the supernatural strength who keeps us from falling, empowering every Believer to overcome the kingdom of darkness and truly live (John 1:4, 11:9-10).
As we continuously walk in the Light of the LORD, revealing the only Way leading to the Father, we are favored with the blessed assurance of everlasting life in Heaven and Divine protection on Earth, keeping us supernaturally preserved and eternally fruitful for the growth of His advancing Kingdom; for our identity as channels of God's Light separates us from the forces of darkness and makes us attractive to those who are willing to trade in their shame, personally in need of Him for their eternal Salvation.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Ever-Glorious Father, for Your Light keeps me redeemed from darkness and all evil, to live as a channel of Your glorious works on Earth. Please, keep me gracefully shining in Your glorious presence as I live daily by Your Word, walking in the Spirit to reveal Your Love, as a citizen of Your Kingdom - a child of Light,

From John 12:35-36


The realization of God's Love through the knowledge of His Word given to all the World draws everyone to Christ in repentance, confessing Him as our Lord and the Savior of our souls - we Believers now declaring Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith (John 8:28, Heb. 2:9 & 12:2). Jesus' victory on the cross over sin, brings redemption to all who look at the way this man gave His life in obedience and in turn will faithfully receive Whom is uniting every Christian as a member of His Body, lifted by the Father and healed, for His glory and praise (Ps. 133, John 3:14-16).
So, as Christ's ambassadors and members of His Body, the Church of whom the Son of God remains the eternal Head, we should uphold our Calling, revealing our identity as we go spreading the Good News of Salvation so the hearts of all people may be drawn to the perfect lamb who became cursed hanging on a tree to be with us and fall on their knees in repentance with minds set to receive the Gospel of Truth and live by it to remain in the comfort of His redeeming grace and resurrection power - dwelling in the presence of the LORD forever as victorious Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for I am lifted high above the reach of the wicked one by Christ Jesus, Your Son, and my soul's Salvation. Please, keep me motivated and maintained, mighty both physically and spiritually, to take the Good News of Your redeeming Grace to all lacking the knowledge of Salvation so that more souls who are dead to the Spirit may be resurrected and drawn to You in Christ Jesus,

From John 12:32


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...