Acknowledging the Lord and receiving the power of His Spirit only requires that one receive anyone called by His Name, no matter their status in life, believing the Truth and following in the same Way; for as we receive God's messengers wholeheartedly, we will always find ourselves positioned with Jesus Christ, through the everlasting Word whom they proclaim, as He now sits in God's Divine presence, at the Right (Mark 9:37). Besides, no one has ever seen God except Jesus Christ, His only and unique Son, One with the Father who has revealed Love to the whole world, as the Word of the LORD made human to live among souls, sadly capable of being sold to Satan, but intended for His Salvation (John 1:14 & 18).
However, we shouldn't relent in receiving all who are called and identified with Christ, for they are channels of His Word, ministering through the Holy Spirit so that we may never miss meeting our Heavenly Father and Creator, made known by the compassionate revelation of His Holy Word declared in love for the redemption of all who faithfully receive God and His Own - whether they are new, naked, hungry, on the street in need of water, sick, a phonecall from prison away, or an angel in disguise, because some of the least valued in the world's eye, are counted great in the Kingdom of the Most High, yet the first will come last when their work, even built on the Foundation, is revealed by fire (Luke 10:16, John 3:16, Matt. 20:16 & 25:35-45, 1 Cor. 3:12-15).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for making Your presence known through Your everlasting Word, conceived in my heart by hearing Your channels of ministration while I receive them and cheerfully give the same treatment to others as I would like to be favored with. Please keep me empowered to love Your friends with the Truth instead of putting any person with sin to shame, yet be honest about who is an enemy, letting them go as I continue to share the Gospel of Salvation with others so that as many as receive You through Your Word, whom I consistently declare, will be redeemed by Your free gift, through faith,

From John 13:20-21


Everyone wants peace about the future, but we are favored with prophetic revelations as Christians and faithful Children of God, to be readily prepared for persecution and to testify when each vision is fulfilled (Is. 55:11). Sharing what is shown strengthens faith, making us God's channels of Testimony, seeing His words pertaining to the future coming to pass before our eyes, as Witnesses of the Truth and Sons and Daughters of I AM, the Covenant Keeping God who never fails to do the impossible; moreover, at the fulfillment of every prayer and prophecy, great stories for His glory usually come from both those who initially doubted and those who believe, as a realization of the Truth comes to fulfillment through His Anointed vessels (Luke 1:37-38, John 14:27 & 29). So, let's stay true, faithfully growing in God's Word, knowing that all He has declared and revealed to conduits of clay, will surely come to pass as we keep ministering, no matter the cost, in His Holy Name, which remains from eternity-past, forevermore (John 8:58-59, Ps. 90:2-4).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Everlasting Father and Covenant-Keeping God, for hearing this prayer and the revelation of Your Word which keeps us alive to the Truth, active in faith, and graced with the blessed assurance of a great future (Jer. 29:11-12). Please, keep me living in the fulfillment of Your Word so I may continue confidently testifying of Your goodness in my life, according to Your will,

From John 13:19


It's known that faith comes after hearing God's Word boldly declared, yet it's never enough to know about the LORD's existence alone; rather, as we live according to the Word, doing the will of the Father who sent Jesus Christ to be His perfect sacrifice to atone for every human error, we remain happily and highly favored, laying our foundation on the Solid Rock who remains when all others have washed away (Matt. 7:24, 13:13-15, Rom. 10:17, Jas. 2:17). After our ears take in the knowledge that when carefully listened to inspires faith, keeping the Word of God, true Believers in Christ actually live by it which makes Brothers and Sisters who love each other, Heirs forever of God the Father, who can receive blessings beyond the imagination of mortals, limited to themselves and the dreadful happenings still around (Ps. 139:6, 14 & 18, Luke 11:28, 1 John 4:21).
Walking with the guidance of the LORD's Word without delay, Divine peace is given to every part of the person living securely in His Spirit of Promise, who is reminding faithful Christians of His Great Love as we continue doing the will of the Father on Earth, as it is in Heaven (Matt. 6:10, John 14:24, Jam. 1:25).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for freely favoring me with Your Word, who blesses me to be graced with the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit with which to cheerfully serve others as I live on, by His ability. Please keep me empowered to reach out to those lacking the knowledge of Your everlasting Word so that as many as receive it where they sit, will be blessed as they listen and abide according to faith in Jesus as God the Son,

From John 13:17


Everyone who believes the Word of God, ministering through the anointing of the Holy Spirit as a channel of His marvelous works, is under Christ's authority with no reason to consider him or herself higher than the Son of God and Redeemer of humankind who has favored us with edifying positions for the advancement of His glorious Kingdom (Matt. 10:24, Phil. 2:6-8). Christians are called, not to be served but to serve; even when assigned to positions of power and authority on Earth, they should be received as an opportunity to serve so that we may be gracefully honored and accepted by our Heavenly Father on the Last Day, as a reward for our faithful service (John 12:26, Rev. 22:12).
Also, we should realize that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was persecuted and died for our sakes while serving the Father, showing His love of God and towards mankind. So, as we continue in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, walk in His Way, and abide by His teachings, we may be challenged as His ambassadors, for His namesake, because some are not willing to receive YHWH for who He says He Is by many messengers, even after hearing the Truth who came down to their level, yet find fleeting comfort in the lustful pleasures of the World (John 1:11-12, 15:20-21).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping me humbled to serve under the authority of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord and Savior for it's from Him I derive joy serving in Your Vineyard. Please, keep me motivated and focused, living for Your glory, even as You strengthen me to be an Overcomer in Christ Jesus,

From John 13:16


Every Believer and follower of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Blessed Redeemer, is known for his or her Christ-like nature, bearing one another's burdens by living as good stewards on Earth accomplishing compassionate deeds with the willingness to serve others, for God's glory (Gal. 6:2). Being placed in a position of authority which commands honor and respect, does not stop anyone from serving; rather, it's a better opportunity to show Godly and brotherly love to all without discrimination or partiality, by serving them the way we want to be - with kindness, goodness, joy and patience (Matt. 7:12, Luke 22:26-28).
Because, "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble," we should faithfully endeavor to remain "clothed in humility towards one another," taking the yoke of Christ upon ourselves and learning from His just ways, "because I Am gentle and lowly in heart," so that we will find rest for our souls in the bosom of the Father (Matt. 11:29, 1 Pet. 5:5). So, let's have the mind of Christ, who came to serve His disciples and suffered for all of us, leaving an exemplary, favored life that we can follow for God's Salvation of souls (Phil. 2:5-7, 1 Pet. 2:21, 1 John 2:6).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for renewing me as a living example of Your Holy Word, revealing Your Love by service to humans made in the image of God so everyone may feel Your Divine presence, compassionately expressed to all. LORD, please help me to continue loving others as You have forgiven and love me,

From John 13:14-15


Being baptized and reborn into the Body of Christ, sanctified by His precious blood and the circumcision of the Holy Spirit, keeps us completely clean as Sons and Daughters in God's Kingdom above, through our faith in Christ Jesus, given as our Righteousness (Rom. 3:22, Phil. 3:9). This occurs when we harken to the Word of God preached to us and abide by it willingly, from the depth of our hearts, in humility to the glory of the Father of all Creation (John 15:3-4).
However, not all called disciples are willing to be cleansed; for, "many have been invited," into the Body of Christ but, "few are chosen," who fully surrender themselves in obedience, to be washed by the Word of God and led by the Good Shepherd to the living fountain of waters (Matt. 22:14, John 6:70, Rev. 7:13-17). Yet, as many as realize the Truth and come to repentance with hearts devoted solely to advance God's Kingdom, convert and disciple souls, while living an exemplary life in Christ Jesus, will always remain clean, sanctified, and adorned as Brides for the Bridegroom in Heaven, on the Last Day (Eph. 5:26-27).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for by Your Word, I am washed and completely cleansed in Jesus Christ, who keeps me purified for Your service as a ministering vessel filled with Your Holy Spirit. Please, keep me and my loved ones eternally sanctified to remain deserving of Your advancing Kingdom all the days of my life and even when away from this body;

From John 13:10


To remain part of the Body of Christ and united with Him as ambassadors of God's Kingdom, we need to be washed, cleansed, and purified by Him, to become gracefully deserving of Him - freed from all guilt and stains, seen as iniquity which separates man from the presence of God (Ezek. 36:25, Ps. 24:3-5, 51:2b & 7). Cleansing is accomplished through baptism, both of water, which signifies being dead to the flesh with Christ and risen with Him in the Spirit, and in the Holy Spirit to be fit members of His Body and Heirs of the Father, worthy of the Kingdom, by grace (John 3:3 & 5, Acts 22:16).
Also, it's necessary to be willingly washed by the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, humbly identified as the Word of God, to remain cleansed and sanctified as a Holy Bride, honored to be graciously deserving of the King of Kings who called us (Eph. 5:25-30, 1 Pet. 1:15-16). So, "let's draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water," and the Word of God, Jesus Christ, who redeemed us from anything keeping us from preaching to all creation before being ready to be with Him (Heb. 10:22).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, Jesus Christ, for washing my feet of everything connected to worldliness and cleansing my whole being to continue functioning as a part of Your Body, holy for eternity. Please, help me to reach out in true humility to all who need Divine cleansing so they will receive sanctification for life to well up as they hear and believe who You Are and so that I may wash the Bride with Your Word regularly as I continuously proclaim God's desire to be at peace with mankind, for the Salvation of souls, in Your Holy Name,

From John 13:8


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...