The Christian faith overcomes all other beliefs or fears and encourages love and peaceful communion with the Heavenly Father through His Holy Spirit who strengthens us as we remain in the glorious presence of the LORD, so that we may not be troubled, as adopted Sons and Daughters of God, loved as one with the Firstborn Son, to boldly declare Him to the World (John 11:27, Acts 4:31). Our faith in Jesus Christ, God's Word, testifies of our relationship with Elohim as Heirs of His Kingdom, making the Father's love for us to remain established as we live obediently as ambassadors of His fulfilled Word on Earth, showing His Love to all who we invite to likewise change their minds and experience the Kingdom now at hand; also, having been strengthened by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, revealing God's perfect Love for His Believers, we remain guiltless in the Righteousness of God (John 16:27, Matt. 4:17, 1 John 4:18-19). So, we shouldn't relent in our faithfulness to the LORD by holding onto Christ Jesus, but acknowledge Him as one, the source of our strength, and we will never be troubled; remaining safe with God's presence in our lives through the comfort of His Divine Love - who we trust died because of our sins yet rose again to make us innocent (Matt. 24:13, Heb. 3:14, 1 John 4:4, Rom 4:24 & 25).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, for granting me peace and keeping my heart from being troubled, through the revelation of Your Word and Love in my life, received by faith through the Holy Spirit who dwells in me. Please, help me awaken the faith of more souls as I continuously declare my faith in the only true God, by the testimony of Your everlasting Word living in me,

From John 14:1


The willingness and desire to follow the Word of God, even to live and die for Jesus Christ, is the ultimate act of Christian love, showing commitment to doing the will of the Father, on Earth as it is in Heaven, which testifies that we are not of this World - rather, Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith (Heb. 12:2). This provokes the devil and his agents who are moving around, seeking for opportunities to kill and devour God's faithful sheep, even requesting God's permission to achieve his evil acts, the worst of which cannot overcome the resistance of the Righteous (Job 1:6-12, Luke 22:31-32, 1 Pet, 5:8-9).
Moreover, the will to live and die so that all God has chosen might hear the Gospel of Truth and eternal Salvation, could be delayed by fear for one's life or wavering faith that Jesus rose from the grave, for the wicked one uses deception as a diversion from one's Christ-Calling, causing him to deny his Divine identity out of physical necessity and self-protection, or even be willing to take another's life (Job 1:8-11 & 3:25, Matt. 26:69-74, 2 Tim. 2:10-13). Realizing this makes us remorseful when we discover our wrongs, having the desire to overcome paralyzing fears, only by holding onto faith in our Blessed Redeemer who will lovingly forgive those whose hearts are set to follow Him by taking up our cross, even for another (Luke 22:59-62, Matt. 16:24-26).

PRAYER: Thank You for giving me the Ever-Loving Father's heart to serve You with such a willingness like Jesus, to live and even die for Your sake. Please, keep me strengthened eternally as an Overcomer, defeating the spirit of shame and fear; because of the Gospel, I will praise and follow You, empowered with Your Love and self-control, in Jesus' Name (Rom 1:16, 2 Tim. 1:7-10),

From John 13:37-38


Being faithfully devoted to serve God, worshiping Him from the depth of our hearts, with all our strength and might, in Truth and the Spirit, makes us worthy of the Kingdom by the gift free to us through faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord; still, to be in Heaven - the dwelling place of the saints with God - one needs to be born of His Spirit and dead to the flesh (John 3:5 & 6). Christ has gone to prepare a place for all Believers; even then, we should endeavor to remain faithful til the end - deserving of the great honor of His acceptance, as Heirs of the Father (Matt. 24:13, John 14:2).
Therefore, having known that we are reborn with a destiny for the Heavenly Kingdom of God as our eternal home by walking in the Spirit, we hopefully keep ourselves preserved and readily prepared for Christ, being His chosen Bride adorned for His glory, so that whenever He demands our presence, having lived an exemplary life which others may emulate, as a faithful branch in the True Vine, we will gladly join Him (2 Pet. 1:14).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for making me worthy of being with You by grace through faith in You as my Blessed Redeemer. Please, keep me preserved and nourished in the Spirit, so I may always be found in right standing with You as I live for the growth of Your advancing Kingdom and await the privilege of following You to inherit Heaven on the Last Day,

From John 13:36


It's right to "love your neighbor as yourself," according to the Scripture, for it encourages peaceful living and forgiveness in our hearts toward one another - completely getting rid of grudges and wrong thoughts of vengeance against fellow brethren; still, this is the commandment which gave rise to the greater, while been fulfilled in Christ Jesus who lived as a man, loving all, and even died for the redemption of our souls (Lev. 19:18, Jas. 2:8). Yet, before Christ's death and resurrection, He gave the command which details, "that you love one another as I have loved You," which clarifies how we should love others, not according to a code, but as God loves us: being more intense and sacrificial, revealing true faith, love, and oneness with God in humble Christ Jesus (John 3:16, 15:12-13, 1 John 2:6-8).
So, we should endeavor to live and walk in love as Jesus Christ, in obedience to God's Word through the Holy Spirit in all sincerity, revealing the love of the Father with a pure heart, to everyone we come across in life so that others may testify of God's Love in us (Eph. 5:1 & 2, 1 Pet. 1:22, 1 John 2:5).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for making me realize that true love is self-sacrifice, being willing to give it all for another, in service to God and humanity. Please keep me renewed in the Spirit of Your Love so I may continue revealing Your unconditional love to all, through keeping Your Word and the testimony of Your Presence in my life, in Your Son;

From John 13:34-35


One who is reborn in the Spirit lives solely to glorify the LORD by doing His goodwill and revealing God's Love to all by offering himself as a living-sacrifice for the growth of His Kingdom, advancing as Christians continuously bear more fruits that remain, for His glory in Christ Jesus. We do so to stay graciously honored by the Father who uplifts Believers in the Spirit through His Word and Son who dwells in Little-Christs and Faithful servants of God, living to the fulfillment of His everlasting Word on Earth, being channels of His Love, accurately and speedily glorifying Him who will do the same in return (John 12:23 & 24, Acts 3:13).
Also, glorifying the LORD by serving Him diligently from the depth of our hearts until our last breath, as fragile vessels of the Holy Spirit, ministering in His Holy Name according to the ability He has Divinely endowed every Christian with, we remain living ambassadors of Jesus Christ whom God eternally exalts while we stay humble for His Kingdom service, solely for the redemption of souls waiting for latter rains to be poured out (John 17:4 & 5, 1 Pet. 4:11, 13 & 14).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Eternal Father and King of Glory, for glorifying Your Word and Son, Jesus Christ in my life, using me as a channel of Your Spirit of glory producing marvelous works gloriously declaring Your Word for the redemption of souls. Please, keep me strengthened to love others as I continuously glorify God's Salvation so that lives may be renewed and mindsets transformed, for Your glory to be revealed,

From John 13:31-32


Every power and authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to God in Christ Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, which makes even the devil quickly work for His glory, no matter the accuser's intentions against the LORD's creations to subvert His rule (Matt. 28:18, Heb. 12:1-2) The LORD is Faithful to His Word and willing to work in favor of every Believer walking in the path of Truth and Righteousness, while anyone who backslides or betrays His Love for the deception of the devil, which only gives temporal satisfaction to the flesh, ends up losing His pleasure, giving room for another to be glorified as they witness to Christ, the only Way to stay in the family of God (Acts 1:15-26).
Therefore, let's remain faithful to carry out Christ's Calling, be spiritually vigilant, and fervent in prayers, so we may not run from the light and so fall into the hands of the wicked one who fakes dominance like a lion roaring without teeth, seeking whom to devour and failing with his selfish minions while the chosen generation and Heirs of God's Kingdom remain eternally exalted for God's glory, refined even by fire, to roar His praises, in victory!

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Almighty Father, for using me for Your glory in Christ Jesus, while You keep me away from the deception of Satan. Please keep me strengthened in the Spirit to put every effort of the enemy to shame as I remain uplifted beyond the reach of every short-lived, devouring spirit, being an Overcomer in obedience to Christ Jesus,

From John 13:27 & 30


The Divine grace of being the Beloved who are chosen by in Christ, causes faithful Christians to function as vessels of His eternal and unfailing Word, sent to all who are humble and willing to know the Truth which sets free from the spirit of doubt, worry and confusion, to face the worst of humanity; for even small details we ask in His Name, leaning into the Holy Heart with nothing between us, will be granted to Overcomers (Matt. 7:7, John 8:31-32). This keeps us in communion with the Father, through the Holy Spirit who reveals the deep things of God which, as Disciples and Heirs of the Father, we need to personally understand, in due time; the fullness of God's unconditional Love & Grace shown in ordinary juice and bread given to pay off the betrayer (1 Cor. 2:10, Ps. 41:9).
Furthermore, when one is uncertain about the Truth, yet desires to be in the Comfort of it, to live in the bright Light of God's Word who restores peace and rekindles the hope of everlasting Life in the heart of every Believer reassuring others of a place in the bosom of the LORD, the one who isn't as close seeks the Beloved of Christ ministering in the Holy Spirit, knowing that we are always willing to show and disciple everyone in the Way - Jesus Christ, the Righteousness of God spoken to those who take the body and blood of the One who never knew sin, yet willingly became cursed for us (John 20:1-2). As Beloved of the Messiah, we are always in the presence of the Father, since we are united with Him in the Spirit to bring back lost sheep into the fold of Christ, through the guidance of God's Word who lives in the midst of those actively ministering in His Holy Name (John 21:7).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for coming to be with sinners, graciously calling me as one of Your Beloved, and keeping me informed as a channel of Your everlasting Word, to seek out and declare the Truth for the Salvation of souls. Please, renewed me in the Spirit as I dwell in the Comfort of Your Word so, as I get the Gospel to the reach of many seeking true understanding of God's plan for our lives, one more might be nourished to their satisfaction, in Your Holy Name,

From John 13:22-26


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...