Tuesday, October 4, 2022


As true Christians and faithful servants of God, we are called, chosen and anointed as vessels for His glory, to advance His Kingdom on Earth by proclaiming the gospel [of Peace] to all, and setting the captives free, that all who need redemption may attain Salvation in Christ Jesus.

So, let's humbly obey our calling and pick up the cross as we follow Christ, that we may continue advancing God's Kingdom on Earth, even as we bear more fruits for His glory in Christ Jesus.
For, this is the purpose of our calling as Christians, that the will of the Father may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven through us as priests and vessels of God, living for His glory.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD for calling, chosing and anointing us as vessels of your glory, made to proclaim your gospel to all, setting the captives free, and advancing your Kingdom on Earth, that more souls might  attain Salvation in Christ Jesus Your Son, amen.

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