Wednesday, October 5, 2022


A vessel of God called and chosen to minister and proclaim the gospel of Christ, should not be worried or disturbed when rejected by those whom he considers as friends, loved ones or neighbours. Rather, he should always consider their rejection as a motivation to move forward in life and taking his calling to the next level of glory in Christ Jesus.
Rather, he should always consider their rejection as motivation to move forward in life, taking and take his calling to the next level of glory, in Christ Jesus.
Also, even when you feel mocked or ignored by people around you, you should remain steadfast and never relent in this great commission Christ has given you as a royal priesthood, called and chosen to advance God's Kingdom on Earth, as a fruitful branch in the True Vine.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us this great commission to advance your Kingdom on Earth, bearing fruits for your glory in Christ Jesus which gives us the boldness to affirm that: with Christ in us, we have the power to labor for the spiritual lives of others. Amen.

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