Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Being a Child of God, Minister, or Servant of God, you have no reason to seek praises from men.
When you are worshiping openly, or being praised as a result of the grace and anointing of God in you though, always continue to guard your heart against pride, realizing the fact that only God deserves all the praise, honor, adoration and blessing; you are only a vessel formed from clay in His hands, used for His glory on Earth.
Moreover, the praises of men might tickle the ears, but can't lift you higher spiritually, nor bring you closer to the LORD; for, it's only by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the free gift of the Holy Spirit, that we are being brought forth into the presence of Almighty God.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your love and grace has brought us this far.
Please, continue to guard our hearts against pride, that we may remain humble and submissive to your will, as your faithful Bride, worthy to abide in your presence, in Jesus Christ's name.

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