Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Avoid oppressing others intentionally, to get yourself temporary happiness, for it only exists for a little while.
For the LORD is a just God, who fights for the righteous, redeeming the justified from every oppression of the wicked, and longs to reward everyman according to his works.
Moreover, self-satisfaction at the expense of another human's suffering, is against the statutes of Christ, for Christ is loving and compassionate to all! He taught us the greatest Love is this; "that someone would lay down his life for his friends." Jesus did not relent in giving His life for all who believe Him to live, which makes the life of true Christians, one of living sacrificially for all.
 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word in our lives, which transforms us daily into the ready Bride of Christ, rejecting every form of selfish and self-satisfactory desires, that we may continue to live the life of self-sacrifice, only to live for your glory, as Sons of God.
Blessed be your Holy Name.

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