Monday, February 6, 2023


As ambassadors of Christ, we need to always remain peaceful, declaring it with love to all, even as we proclaim the Goodnews of Salvation in Christ Jesus; for, He is the Prince of Peace, and the Gospel which we proclaim in His name, is for the restoration of peace in the hearts of men; giving them hope of eternity in God's Kingdom, refreshing their souls with the Word of God, that their spirit may remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, for the Salvation of their souls.
This has made us God's own children, and brethren with Christ; for, "blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called Children of God."
Moreover, if you are not received or welcomed by those whom you are to declare the Truth to, don't be discouraged, for the blessings and peace of the LORD, which the Word of God brings, will rest upon you. Yet, those who welcome you, receiving the gospel which you proclaim, will surely be saved, and the peace of the LORD, which surpasses all understanding, will definitely abide with them, giving them hope of eternity with Christ, in God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we praise you for giving us the grace to declare peace, even as we proclaim the gospel of Christ to all in love, that all who welcome us, from the depths of their hearts, recieving the Goodnews that we bring, may also receive peace, even as they are blessed with eternal life in Christ Jesus,

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...