Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Being evangelical Ministers, sent out to diverse peoples and places to proclaim Christ, freely declaring the Gospel to everyone, we should always accept hospitality that is not against the teachings of Christ, and avoid rejecting nutritional diets brought before us, for the sake of showing the reception of Love and for fellowship, while doing the Father's will with Faith, even as we spread the Goodnews of Salvation in Christ Jesus, here.
We should also avoid frequently changing our location if welcomed. It is tedious moving from house to house for comfort, yet we should endeavor to remain in a specific home where we have first been received peacefully, as messengers of the Gospel; going out to share the Goodnews of Salvation, and returning for night rest, until we are through with the purpose for which we were sent.
Moreover, complaining, discrediting or moving from one accommodation to another, just for apparent fleshly ease, may cause delays, distractions, or obstructions towards achieving the purpose for which you have been sent to your current region, as a Minister of the Gospel. So rather, let's remain thankful and focused on the Divine assignment of the Salvation of souls, which brings rejoicing in Heaven! Our Holy Heavenly Father can then reward us for faithfulness as we continue in His Vineyard, each day.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making us vessels of glorious works and hospitality, favored with great Comfort, and assigned to seek for lost souls, in order to advance your Kingdom; for, this is our purpose in life as Ministers, and brethren, in Christ Jesus,

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