Tuesday, February 14, 2023


The grace given to us as Sons and Daughters of God, favored with the Great Commission to preach, as we declare the Goodnews of Salvation to all, has made us untouchable to the dieties of darkness and feared by forces of wickedness. The Holy Spirit makes even demonic powers and spirits subjected or submissive to obeying us; being chosen vessels of God, ordained for His glory and assigned to do the will of our Father, through Christ who lives in us.
Also, as we are being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ, revealing His love, even as we live compassionately with all who we come across in life, the Light of God, Jesus Christ Himself, will be seen in us, and the glory of the Father of our faith will serve as a protective shield upon us, that no harm would befall us, because we received the Anointing of God, still precious in His eyes.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages; for all authority belongs to you, and by Your Grace, we have been given the authority to declare the Goodnews of Salvation, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, which makes even demons to be subject to Christ in us, revealing your presence which can never be challenged, yet remains the highest authority in Heaven and on Earth.
May your Name be glorified forevermore,

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...