Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Though satan was defeated on the Cross at Calvary, and his power has been made powerless before us, Sons and Daughters of God, as we willingly move out into the fields, declaring the Kingdom reign of Christ to all nations, breaking barriers to reach all who are lacking the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, healing the sick, and setting the captives free, we are making him fall further into the pit of hell, being even more subdued and made nothing; demons are losing their control over the sons of men as people are being set free from the captivity of sin and eternal condemnation.
So, let's not relent in humbly seeking for the lost souls; by raising those who are dead in the Spirit, healing all who are sick by the power of the Holy Spirit, and preaching to them that are lacking and in need of the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, they will be nourished by the Bread of Life, being Strengthened by the Fountain of Life, that they may no longer hunger and thirst for righteousness, yet be refreshed, for the glory of God, as citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom, separated from satan's grip, as light separated from fleeing darkness, subdued for God's glory, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for victory over sin and death You granted unto us, despite the fall of satan, and for the Salvation of our souls, which makes us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus,

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