Wednesday, February 1, 2023


To be worthy of Christ and fit for God's Kingdom, we need to remain steadfastly dedicated to our Calling, and never relent in our service to the LORD, allowing His Divine will to supercede that which is of the world; for one can not say he is of God, yet keep looking backwards, giving importance to the traditions of men at the expense of God's purpose and Calling in his life.
This should also be taken into consideration, since we've received Christ, and decide to uphold our faith in Him, there is no need to look elsewhere; rather, we should always remain focused on doing the Father's will, that we may always be worthy of Him, because anyone who has received the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, yet still remains evenly yoked with worldly traditions, is only declaring himself unworthy of Christ.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus Christ, thank you for the glorious call of Salvation, which keeps us refined, being reborn to live for your glory, having no reason for turning or looking backward, yet remaining fit to carry the Cross, as brethren in Christ Jesus,

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...