Thursday, February 2, 2023


As Christians and labourers in God's Vineyard, we need to encourage the spirit of evangelism among ourselves, even as we continue to pray for more labourers to be hurled into the LORD'S Vineyard, for the end is near, the harvest is great, and we need vessels who are willing to carry the Cross in the fields, devoted only to advance God's Kingdom, by harvesting grains worthy of the barns of Heaven, that souls may be gained, refreshed and united to the body of Christ, as Brethren with Him before the presence of God.
Also we need not to relent in seeking for lost souls, because, for this reason we are called, chosen, and given the Great Commission to make more disciples from all nations, even as we bring the knowledge of Salvation to their doorsteps, that we may supply great yields of harvest from the fields, to the Lord of the harvest, Christ Himself, as faithful labourers in His Vineyard.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for granting us the grace of being labourers in your Vineyard, chosen to harvest more souls for your glory, that they may become co-labourers for the great harvesting of souls in Jesus' name,

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...