Wednesday, February 8, 2023


The Divine manifestation of God's presence, seen through His marvelous and miraculous works done in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, and Blessed Redeemer, by the Holy Spirit living through we, vessels of His Divine will, is the revelation of His Kingdom reign approaching, even over the Earth. With this, through faith in Christ Jesus, we have the grace to heal the sick, and declare the Kingdom of Christ's rule to all whom we are ministering to; though earthen and weak, we are consecrated temples of God's Spirit, because of allowing His Divine presence first place in our lives.
Also, redemption that is in Christ Jesus, makes many justified freely by faith, and favored to see the Light, which reveals the Way of Truth and righteousness leading to Salvation - union with God's Son; for, this gives them a Divine opportunity to repent from an old mindset, that they may become in rightstanding with God, walking in the realm of the anointed King. Those who endure, are to be crowned with life, and white garments will cover their souls, as Jesus has paid for access to healing leaves from the Tree of Life.
PRAYER:Thank you LORD, Jehovah, for the grace given to us, to declare your Kingdom reign, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to heal physical and spiritual sickness, as we help relieve others, to the glory of Christ Jesus,

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