Tuesday, March 7, 2023


As Christians, we need to be watchful and fervent in prayers, even as we arm ourselves with the full armor of God, graced with Love, to do the Father's will; for the devil, who is the accuser of the Brethren in Christ Jesus, is always restlessly moving all over the world, seeking for weaker vessels to use for his crafty and deceptive works, to defame the Righteous in Christ Jesus. By the same power, we who worship the LORD in Truth and in the Spirit, will not be distracted nor obstructed from fulfilling the Divine purpose of their Calling as Sons of God. This act of accusing and defaming God's vessels is as a result of jealousy and the fear of being overtaken by another who is more spiritually devoted, and committed to doing the Father's will.
So, we should never allow any baseless accusation or defaming words to distract nor stop us from doing the LORD'S will, for accusers are always afraid of losing their pride, while we, God's vessels, are only alive in Christ Jesus to bring glory to the Father, no matter what it looks like, as we fulfill our purpose in life, by advancing God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for making us your chosen vessels, Commissioned to live for your glory, in Christ Jesus, that we may continue advancing your Kingdom, and never get distracted by any false accusation of the wicked, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 11:14-15

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