Monday, March 6, 2023


Our Holy Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I AM, always answers the prayers of the righteous in Christ Jesus, and will never fail to meet believers at the point of their needs, for He is the covenant-keeping God. We are highly favored and blessed to walk in His righteousness, through Christ our Lord, who is the righteousness of God, the Father Almighty, and this makes us His beloved Sons and Daughters by faith in the One who first loved us.
Therefore, we have been brought back into His presence, and all who ask of the Father, in humility through Christ, in due time His Holy Spirit will definitely be granted to us, and every prayer will be heard, because our Heavenly Father's Love for us is greater than any other ever seen, experienced, or imagined, and He is the Good Shepherd who never forsakes one of His own.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for always being there for us; Your love for us is beyond human comprehension, and this has made all our supplications brought before you in prayers, to be answered by grace, through your Son, Jesus Christ,

From Luke 11:13

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...