Thursday, March 2, 2023


Though our Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I Am sees our present situation, knows our hearts' desires, and understands our feelings, answering prayers before we consciously call upon Him, and while we pray He hears us in the Righteous person of Jesus; Yet, we need to remain persistent in prayers, asking for that which we need to glorify Him, seeking for Him, through constant meditation on His glorious Word, that we may continue to abide in His presence through the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us, and gives a better understanding of God's Righteousness.
Also, we should never relent in knocking on the door of His Divine and abundant favor, grace and sustenance, because we all need these to withstand and overcome every trial and temptation that may come our way.
Moreover, the LORD is a loving, caring and compassionate Father, who always harkens to our voice, granting all our sincere and unselfish desires, welcoming all who seek Him in humility, giving them a better understanding of His good will towards men, and never fails to open the door as the Good Shepherd, to all who knock diligently and fervently, that they may continue to enjoy Divine peace and abundant grace, which He alone provides.
PRAYER: Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God who never forsakes us, even in times of need, we come through Your Son; for whenever we ask, seek, and knock, you are always there to answer, show us the way, and open the door of grace and favor for us.
O' LORD, be thou glorified in Jesus'name,

From Luke 11:9-10

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...