Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Endeavor to always practice what you preach, both in public and within; even while ministering to others, check yourself, to ensure you are not an hypocrite of what you say and do in the open, pockets filled with filthy masks, but carrying your cross, instead. The LORD is the Omniscient God, who sees in secret and rewards openly, forever; keeping no stone unturned, Abba sees to the heart, rewarding everyman according to his willingness purely to do the works prepared from the foundation of the world. Though in Jesus, God is so rich in kindness, forbearing in patient Mercy, He is just in rendering judgement to the proud and unrepentant soul.
Also, when the act of hypocrisy is over, shame is brought forth like mascne, and oneself is disgraced, because this trap gives no room for the Holy Spirit to dwell in, since it's deceptive, coming from the forces of darkness; for light and darkness have nothing in common. Everyone needs to know, even by what comes out of their mouth, if their own heart is full of greed, to bursting, or where he or she stands, because no one can serve both God and earthly mammon.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your redeeming grace, and the steadfast heart you've bestowed upon us, Christians, through the Holy Spirit, to live for your glory in Christ Jesus,

 From Luke 11:39 

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