Thursday, March 23, 2023


To please the LORD by faithfully doing His will, requires facing the cross of His Son, self-sacrifice and our fullest affection, for it's never enough to just pay your tithes and give bountiful offerings, even of your physical body to God, because He is not a man who desires material things for His pleasure; rather, He wants us to remain just in character, by walking in the righteousness of Christ, keeping His statutes, love expressed compassionately together with all we come across in our lives, even as we bring forth our first ten percent, secretly before His presence. Although, our tithes and offerings may be necessary for the physical and material needs of the Church, without being just to orphans and strangers in disputes, and loving all as God first loved us, one is still spiritually far away, because Christianity is founded on Agape Love, demonstrated through self-sacrifice, and by living justified, in the righteousness of Christ our Lord, who took on sin.
So, we need not to neglect one type of giving for the other, that we may continue to live a life wholly pleasing to the LORD, worthy of His grace and mercy, as Sons and Daughters of God.
PRAYER: In Jesus Christ, LORD we thank you for Your Word which keeps us refreshed through the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to live for your glory, even as we faithfully abide by it, leaving nothing undone as vessels of your Divine will, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 11:42l

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