Friday, March 24, 2023


The establishment of unnecessary and deceptive doctrines comes as a result of the self-seeking intentions involved in the works influenced by the devil; such false teachers, antichrists, and Ministers, who are blinded with arrogant desires to attain greater fame and undeserving honor, as a result of accommodating their lust, and pride, have allowed hearts of fat flesh to treasure things which are far from the Heavenly Kingdom. Those who are not in line with God's commandments, and the teachings of Christ, summarized as love of God and to mankind, hinder many, who ignorantly accept them, but become barred from the true knowledge of God's Kingdom, and Salvation by faith, only in Christ Jesus. There is no other Way to enter into Life everlasting, although we can agree that many paths may divert ones attention off from the Highway of Holiness; information of the head hinders Wisdom, which always was with YHWH, slaying the strays who see selfishly.
Worshipping the LORD in The Spirit and Truth, will keep us closer with Our Comforter, than followers of fantastical knowledge, who are more concerned with being ceremonially correct in their worship, which is not required of us as pure vessels of God, than communing spiritually, as those Called to declare and advance His Kingdom.
As Christians therefore, we need to be watchful, not only to enter by the narrow door Yeshua, who holds the keys, but also, by rejecting that which is against the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, we release people who we once fellowshipped with, who reject Truth, yet lie to us as themselves, that we may not be deceived, yet remain in rightstanding with God, for the Salvation of our souls, and building up of His Church.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the Salvation found in Christ Jesus, freely given to us for the redemption of our souls, that we may truly live for your glory, rebuking every false teaching coming from the pit of hell, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 11:52

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...