Friday, March 17, 2023


God's Divine presence, sustained in our lives as His chosen vessels called and ordained for His glorious works, will never be hidden; rather it will surely be revealed to everyone who lives on earth in due time, through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, who is the Divine witness of God's Love among us. This is known through our Christ-like qualities, expressed in humility, as a fire is lit and fed in its place, even as we walk in the righteousness of Yeshua, to fulfill the Father's will by proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation through our honest character and spoken words of Truth, seasoned graciously with Love, proceeding from our hearts.
Also, this unique behavioral characteristic attracts many who still dwell in darkness, seeking integrity, the Light of freedom, and Redeeming Grace, which truly delivers all who will see us, who are unashamed to be called the Sons and Daughters of Abba YHWH, as the Light of Salvation, because the presence of Christ Himself lives in us, through the Holy Spirit. Yet, we are only earthen vessels of Light, Commissioned to advance God's Kingdom as true ambassadors of the King of Kings.
PRAYER: Thank you JEHOVAH 'ORI, The LORD My Light, for your presence in us through the Holy Spirit, reveals who we are in Christ Jesus, bearing witness of your Divine presence in us, as true vessels of your glorious works, assigned for the purpose of advancing your Kingdom in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 11:33

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...