Monday, March 20, 2023


Though our eyes are lamps to our bodies that provides vision to see things physically and understand them visually; based on facts and reality, which we express though emotions, coming from the depth of our hearts. Yet, what we see affects us, both physically and it is understood spiritually.
Therefore, let's guard our hearts against defilement, by resisting views which only produce lustful and deceptive thoughts, that our Spirit-filled hearts may remain consecrated for God alone. This is possible through constant prayer and meditation on God's Word, affirming it daily for spiritual growth and development, that we may resist every poverty of the eyes, and be focused on the True Light which leads to Salvation in Christ Jesus, even as we allow God's Word to remain established as the Lamp to our feet and Light to our paths, by living for Yeshua; fulfilling the Father's will, in loving one another.
PRAYER: Blessed be the Name of the LORD, for He has opened our eyes to see and identify the Truth in Christ Jesus, who lives in us, as the Light of God,

From Luke 11:34

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