Monday, April 3, 2023


Speaking ill and defaming words against anyone may be forgiven, once you come before the presence of the LORD with a repentant heart, seeking mercy and divine restoration by the grace of God. Yet anyone who deliberately or intentionally blasphemes against the works and manifestation of the Holy Spirit, saying terrible and unholy words, which give false impressions about the sanctity of the very breath of God, may never be forgiven. For, the Holy Spirit is Divine, a witness of the Father, revealed to and through the Sons and Daughters of God, as the Comforter; His glorious presence manifests as the Omnipresent and Omnipotent power of God, dwelling in us, as vessels of His Divine will.
Moreover, we all need to remain in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and never allow the fleshly influence of the antichrists, false prophets, and blasphemous teachers, to divert our souls from the Highway of Holiness walked by Christ Jesus, who gave His Spirit to walk alongside us, that we may continue to fulfill our purpose in life, as God's chosen generation, called to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation, advancing His Kingdom by bearing more fruits for His glory, through the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus, the Comforter of our souls.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the revelation of your Word, that we might not blaspheme against Him, yet enjoy the Divine comfort which He renders, in Jesus' name we pray;

From Luke 12:10

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...