Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Always hold fast to your faith in Christ Jesus, and never get disturbed, worried or troubled when you are faced with persecution challenging your faith, for the Spirit of the LORD is upon you, and He will surely lead and direct you all the way; teaching you what to say and do, even as He gives you the the courage to proclaim the Gospel of Truth and Salvation in Christ Jesus, who is still standing as your advocate and Divine witness, to justify your Calling as God's chosen vessel, assigned to advance His Kingdom by bearing fruits for His glory, wherever placed.
Though the authorities as well as the laws of your location, city, or country, may not be favorable to you, yet Holy Spirit will teach and direct you, even as He speaks through you, leading even leaders to recognize our Commander, standing against every deceptive and manipulating force of the wicked, to defend and declare you just before all present, as the chosen vessel of God, protected from harm.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD Jesus Christ, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, our Divine advocate, who teaches and speaks through us, for the Salvation of souls, that we may remain faithful in the True Vine, advancing your Kingdom, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:11-12

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...