Wednesday, May 17, 2023


By giving and feasting in love with the needy, and less privileged, there is a great assurance of a Divine reward from the LORD; for no man has seen God, yet whatever we do to the stranger and needy, from the depth of our hearts, we are also doing to our Savior, and Creator(Matthew 25:37-41). This reward is not just physical, or material alone, but also spiritually supernatural, which ensures our inheritance as Sons and Daughters of the ever loving and compassionate God.
Therefore, let's endeavor to give with cheerful hearts, and when we feast, it should be done in love; not neglecting the ones we most need to invite to the Kingdom, for the LORD sees and know all things, and He will surely reward us with His blessings and favor from the abundance of His grace and glory, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, thank you LORD for giving us Joyful and compassionate hearts, willing to share yourself, giving from Your Spirit, for your glory, that we may attain the Divine reward of eternity;

From Luke 14:13-14

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