The Divine invitation and call of Salvation is for all; yet, many who have received the knowledge of Salvation still reject the glorious call of diligent service. The Great Commission is to disciple souls for God's Kingdom; rather, the original family invited, keeps themselves busy with the lust for worldly treasures and positions, delighting in self-proclaimed righteousness, which is the source of the rejection of their Messiah's Calling.
Therefore, we should never reject any opportunity given to serve and commune with God, yet always remain prepared for God's service, because as faithful Christians, we are meant to serve the LORD with all of our hearts and might, even in and without season; for He is our Creator, and without Him we have no reason for existence as living creatures. Our sealed invitations to feast with Him on the last day, by faith, have almost completely been handed out I and they may never be taken away from us, being true Heirs of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, I give you all the glory for making me a Laborer in your Vineyard; graced with the invitation to serve in love, discipling souls for the Greatest Feast, that all may be ready to come on the last day; in your Holy name,

From Luke 14:23-24

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...