Monday, May 15, 2023


As the gospel of Christ spreads, daily reaching more souls who are redeemed and restored to life, for God's glory, this advances God's Kingdom, sending more labourers to harvest His Vineyard, through the conversion of souls around the world, and discipleship of them, to bear more fruits for the Kingdom. Yet, this should be done in humility, for a true Leader like Jesus', is a servant to all whom he gladly guides.

Moreover, every edifying position of authority comes with trials, challenging the strength of our faith, such as pride, which leads to the downfall of many puffed up as great and mighty, by men; still, submitted to Christ, with the enduring compassion to mourn now, with those who weep, we are destined for the greatest glory in God's Kingdom. So let's endeavor to always remain humble, seeing our fellow brethren in Christ, whom we have been temporarily made to lead, as our equals, in the presence of Almighty God, that our meekness on Earth may open the position of grace and glory to us, in God's Kingdom above.

PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for placing us in different positions of leadership-service, to fulfill our Christ's Calling in humility, that we may remain Heirs of your Kingdom, as the first and not the last, in Jesus' mighty name;


From Luke 13:30

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