Friday, May 12, 2023


Living without God's Word in his heart, Jesus Christ, makes a man spiritually empty, and prone to attacks from the kingdom of present darkness, and forces of the wicked one. The Divine presence of God is made manifest through the Holy Spirit, which fills our bellies as living water, guides our souls in Love, and strengthens our spirits over fleshly weakness, that we may remain safely kept in the hands of God, dwelling in the abundance of His Grace, Love and Mercy, being highly favored to live for His glory, yet striving here as Christ Jesus, who is our Blessed Redeemer. This makes us untouchable before the agents of darkness, and able to withstand God's fire, since we are always elevated as Lights. Because of the glory of God, which serves as a protective shield around us, revealing the presence of Christ in us through the Holy Spirit, who bears witness of our Divine inheritance, our Comforter may always remain with us, guiding us, as we are equally yoked with the most meek King, giving us a better understanding of God's Word, even as we are being filled with the Wisdom to live by it; for His presence reveals the person of Christ, who is in us, around us, and ever with us. He alone makes us spiritually aligned, and Strengthened in this life as well, to overcome every seemingly impossible challenge, with a greater character inside. So, let's hold on to the feet of Christ Jesus, until we see face-to-face, leaning on Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith, and in fellowship with one another, we will never be spiritually empty.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD of Lords; Jesus Christ, I will lift up Your Holy Name, seeking your presence in my life, which fills me up for your glory, that I may continue to live a life worthy of your Kingdom;

From Luke 13:35

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...