Wednesday, May 31, 2023


As the Redeemed of the LORD, saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we are called in love, to express and reveal the Love of the Father to all, for our inheritance of the Kingdom is established. So, from the depth of our hearts, we should always be willing to bring more souls back from the grave, who need physical and spiritual nurture, baptize and disciple them for the advancement of God's Kingdom; even as we rejoice for God's Salvation of each one of His children, welcoming them with joy and open arms, that they may experience God's Love and compassionate embrace, which restores peace and comforts all.
Moreover, as we rejoice, even as joint Heirs with Christ, who turns finding the most lost, into a cause of celebration for the repentant souls, welcoming the new-borns with open hands and faces, this glorifies the name of the LORD, and brings more joy to the soon-coming Kingdom of Heaven.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for granting us life eternal, through your precious blood, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us established as Heirs of your Kingdom;

From Luke 15:24

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