Thursday, June 1, 2023


Being Children of God, called, ordained, and commissioned to live for Christ and proclaim His good will toward all people, for the Salvation of their souls, we need not be wise in our own eyes; rather, we should always remain submissive to the LORD'S will, placing every one of our thoughts and decisions before Him in prayers, especially before taking any bold step concerning our lives, and those of others. This way, we are always in rightstanding with God, and true communion with the Holy Spirit, even as we remain one with Christ, fulfilling the Father's will by advancing His Kingdom through bearing fruits that remain, for His glory, in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, acting on our will, as if in the darkness, without placing God first, seeking His Wisdom, leads to making wrong decisions most of the time; for no matter how right it may seem, in selfishness, it leads to self-recognition, giving room for pride and arrogant feelings. So, let's remain faithful to our Calling in Christ, by being submissive to the Father's will, advancing His Kingdom as true Stewards of the LORD.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, O' LORD, thank you for calling me into your Glorious Light which fills me up to serve faithfully in your Vineyard, as a true Steward and vessel of your glory, in your Holy name;

From Luke 16:5-8

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