Friday, June 23, 2023


Being thankful for all the LORD has done, that which He is doing, and appreciating Him for that which He has promised to do for all who love Him and are called according to His purpose, makes known His unconditional love and abundant grace; for, as we continuously give thanks to the LORD, coming from the depth of our hearts, falling at Jesus' feet, which once were covered in blood to make our sins whiter than wool, our Heavenly Father will always be willing to be with us, in paradise. Since the LORD hates complaining, and does not delight in burnt offerings, blood, or animal sacrifices, today, our praises in thanksgiving, showing gratitude for His Love and compassion, are pleasing to Him.
Though our praise isn't enough for all the LORD has done, He still accepts it, when it comes from hearts humble to obey and bless Him; for, He knows our strength and He appreciates us, as we give our all in worship, thanksgiving, and praises to Him alone. So, always be thankful and glorify the LORD, and you will continue to enjoy the abundance of His Grace, Love, and Mercy, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Ever-loving Father, for all you've done, that which you are doing right now, and many more marvelous works you are still going to do!
May your Name forevermore be glorified, 

From Luke 17:14-16

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