Thursday, June 22, 2023


Our faithfulness and dedication to the LORD, can never be enough to pay for His abundant grace, love, and the sacrifice He made on the Cross for our redemption from eternal condemnation, because we are not justified by our works but by faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:16). Though our dedication and self-sacrifice is necessary to help in our spiritual growth and development, yet it will never be enough to repay the price Christ paid on the cross, to make us His own. Even so, this keeps us on the path of righteousness, being consecrated with the Holy Spirit, who helps us fulfill our Calling, as Disciples of Christ and ambassadors of the Gospel of Salvation.
Therefore, let's not be puffed up by our selfless service and share it as praiseworthy, while silencing the shining example of our loving Master, rather we should always remain humble, realizing that is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit we received when born again, who made it possible for us to remain deserving of His Grace and unconditional Love, as Heirs of His Kingdom, with Christ Jesus, who did the Father's will, gladly.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, Heavenly Father, thank you for granting me the grace to serve you in faith, through the Holy Spirit, who strengthens me to move from glory to glory, that more souls may be redeemed for your Kingdom,

From Luke 17:10

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