Monday, June 12, 2023


Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of the law, established for the Salvation of souls. God's Word has never failed, and will continue to remain established, forever. Though the heavens vanish away like smoke, the Earth grows old like garments, and all of its inhabitants die, the Word of God, which reveals righteousness and grants Life to anyone who believes and receives Jesus Christ as their personal Lord, and Savior of the World, will continue to abide forever, fixed through His Divine Grace; for He is the Eternal Rock of Ages, Who remains Holy.
Furthermore, the Word of God, Jesus Christ, unites man and God, through the covenant relationship He established when He offered His body and blood complete with forgiveness. When we receive this seed into a soft heart, with the desire to serve Him in love, as faithful servants committed to bring more souls to the Salvation of the LORD in Jesus, for the advancement of God's Kingdom; by living like Christ, this makes even the blinded to see the love of the Father, through experiencing the One who is greater, living in us, by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, Who testifies, revealing our identity as Christ's, to all who need Salvation and total redemption from the kingdom of darkness, into marvelous light.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your Word is sure and your covenant is established in my life, in Christ Jesus; 

From Luke 16:17

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...