Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Marriage is a union ordained by God to depict Christ and the Church, but divorce was never intended by the LORD, from the beginning of creation. The hardness of man's heart, not being forgiving towards his life-time companion, made Moses to permit it (Matthew 19:8). Though it was permitted for cases of unfaithfulness, Jesus Christ said the separated partners are not allowed to marry another, yet in today's brutal world, even emotional torture leads to divorce, for the safety of the victim; she can only turn to God, for Love which satisfies.
Moreover, every marriage which is built on love, needs to accommodate the Spirit of forgiveness, endurance, and mutual understanding within both spouses, that the Bond between them may never be broken. Still, if the need for divorce arises, both parties should come to the realization, and accept the fact that they are not to remarry except to themselves, or in the case of the passing of one member of the promise before God, since they are already one body for life, under the covenant relationship of marriage (1 Corinthians 7). So, be careful, and seek God's guidance before marriage, and the wisdom of many counselors. While being married, love your spouse from the depth of your heart, for God loves You, and you are one, united with the covenant of marriage, that there may be no room for divorce.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Heavenly Father, thank you for every marriage established in your name, for the purpose of companionship and procreation. Please, continue to strengthen us not to separate what God has joined, and the bond of the united body, that there may be no room for divorce;

From Luke 16:18

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