God's Word has been given to all, from the Scriptures, fulfilled by Jesus Christ, and through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, made comprehensible, that all who harken to Him, in full submission, may receive the Blessed Assurance of the Divine inheritance: of peace, victory, and eternal life with the Father, in His Heavenly Kingdom above. Harkening to God Word brings us closer to the Father, and our dedication, by living like Christ, in full submission, establishes the will of the Father in Heaven, on Earth, even as souls are being redeemed, to the glory of God, through His Love, proclaimed by the Gospel which we share freely. 
This makes us, not only citizens of an Heavenly Kingdom, yet also Sons and Daughters of God, born in Christ Jesus, to advance His Kingdom. So, let's not relent in heeding the Word of God, living by its blessings, not just for our personal salvation, but that the Love of the Father through Christ, who lives in us, may be revealed to others too, for the Salvation of more souls to God, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for the revelation of your Word, Jesus Christ, your only begotten Son, who offers new life, for in Him I have the Blessed Assurance of eternity in your Kingdom, where my treasures are safely kept;

From Luke 16:29

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...