Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Now is the right time to show love, comfort, and mercy to all who are lacking, oppressed, and in need of our forgiveness, that we may be deserving of God's mercy and welcoming embrace, on the last day, which carries on. The love we share, showing mercy with compassionate hearts from the abundance of God's grace and provision, reveals Christ, who lives in us. It's wise to follow Christ in self-sacrifice; serving the LORD with our whole heart, might, mind and soul, even as we extend the love of the Father to all, discriminating none, yet embracing new creations as fellow brethren, in oneness, that they may experience the unconditional love of the the only Way that leads to eternity in the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, who changes the mindsets of the sons of men into receiving a place with Our Father.
Also, as Sons of Abraham, our possessions need not to be selfishly kept for our personal gain and luxurious living, alone; rather every extra Earthly moment and morsel needs to be shared in love, with those who are in need, that the purpose of our Calling as Sons of God in Christ Jesus, revealing the Father's Love for the advancement of His Kingdom, may be established, for the Salvation of souls, from eternal separation.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the comfort and Grace given to us as Kingdom citizens, even as we are being given opportunity to reveal your Love, showing mercy to all in need, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 16:24-26

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...