Thursday, July 20, 2023


The Divine presence of Christ in one's life makes for a cheerful giver, from the abundance of all with which the LORD has blessed; namely, Himself. Following Jesus means we have realized our Spiritual deficit and are willing to share with those in need - compassionately, with a benevolent, though mortal heart, expecting nothing in return from people - yet acquiring more treasures in Heaven for eternity. Now with Jesus' forgiveness, we have what it takes to make right our past wrongs, as far as it depends on us; humbly displaying a new character to those we had knowingly wronged, we can move forward listening to our "conscience."
Doing this with sincerity, from the depth of our hearts, solely to the LORD, we will surely remain Divinely rewarded, in His presence. For, all that we are doing to our fellow brethren, the less privileged, and even strangers, we are also doing to Jesus (Psalm 41:1, Matthew 25:40, Rev 3).
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank You for coming into my life! You alone fill me up to overflow with Your Grace, Power, and Glory; sustained by the Holy Spirit, even as I continuously share in love from the abundance of Your great provisions in my life, please be with me on the narrow path, as it's in my heart to turn from evil and promptly make Peace,

From Luke 19:8

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The sins of mankind separate them from the presence of the LORD and all who sincerely love Him, as a result of  an unrepentant nature igniti...