Friday, July 21, 2023


The Salvation of the LORD, Jesus Christ, is for everyone who receives Him by Faith in One not yet fully seen. Though we were once utterly lost, as sheep in the desert, seeking vanities and pleasures of the flesh, Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, came seeking to protect us and rescue our souls from the bondage of sin and death - that we may live forever in God's Kingdom, as Heirs of the Father.
As we welcome Him into our hearts and live by faith, Christ called us to declare His Good News to all who also need the healing we can offer. So, let's not deviate from Kingdom building, as His salt to preserve others; for this is the purpose of our existence as true ambassadors of Christ on Earth.
PRAYERS: Thank you, LORD Jesus Christ, because of the ultimate sacrifice you made for the Salvation of my soul, I believe I will live eternally as a citizen of your Heavenly Kingdom; please deliver my loved ones from the bondage of sin and death, so they also will be there,

From Luke 19:9-10

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The sins of mankind separate them from the presence of the LORD and all who sincerely love Him, as a result of  an unrepentant nature igniti...