Monday, July 24, 2023


Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of all things, for His glory, appreciates all who faithfully serve Him in Truth and in the Spirit. While Jesus is preparing us a permanent place, He knows how greatly to entrust each person, having told us to receive the Word, which Our Father sent, and keep His commandments (John 14). He never fails to reward anyone who diligently serves Him, for every effort made to glorify His name, and advance His Kingdom, comes with His Divine and eternal reward - received both spiritually and physically, in measures beyond our imagination, for all to see and testify of His goodness!
So, let's endeavor to remain faithful and not deviate from the purpose of our Calling, working as to the LORD, so that there will be no loss to ourselves, yet remain deserving of His eternal reward as true ambassadors of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Dear LORD, Everlasting-Father, you never fail to reward all who faithfully serve you in Truth and in the Spirit; blessed be your Holy name. I'm highly favored to be of service in your Vineyard,

From Luke 19:17

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