Friday, August 25, 2023


We have heard rumors of wars, and in some cases experience the commotion of nations rising against nations with rebellion and kingdoms falling; Kings exercising their authority to oppress others for the sake of a false sense of power. This is a sign of only the beginning of the end, and not the end of the birth pangs, yet for all people these are destined to take place, before the rapture of the saints, and the end of the age.
Moreover, experiencing these series of events shouldn't be a cause of worries; rather, we should remain hopeful in the LORD, confident in His Divine grace and protection, and we will surely overcome as victorious vessels of God, worthy of His glorious Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you in Christ Jesus, Heavenly Father, for your Divine grace and protection, which keep me safe from harm, even in these trying times, that I may remain an Overcomer, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus,

From Luke 21:9-10

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