Monday, August 28, 2023


As the end of all things under the Heavens displaying awesome signs, draws near, the Church - the body of Christ, is falsely accused, persecuted, and imprisoned, with the intention of stopping the proclamation of the Gospel, by the workers of wickedness who try to hinder the advancement of God's Kingdom. Even so, these are stepping stones to greater glory - leading to testimonies of Divine breakthroughs, as victorious vessels of the Holy Spirit. Those who truly know Jesus, visit the Brethren in prison and provide through fabricated famines, to the least of these.
So, let's not relent in our faithfulness to the LORD, even in these trying times; for, as Overcomers, we will be fed healing leaves in God's Kingdom, secure on His unshakeable foundation, being Heirs of our Heavenly Father, forever (Revelation 22 & 3:21).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Eternal Father, for the revelation of your Word, who gives us strength in tribulation, that we may remain triumphantly victorious, as Sons and Daughters of God, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 21:11-13

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...