Thursday, August 31, 2023


The rejection of God's Word, and persecution of His Faithfuls, who are testifying of His goodness to all, invites His wrath and judgment upon the vessels of darkness and agents of wickedness, whose major desire is to hinder the advancement of God's Kingdom across the globe. This is certain: though it may take until the end of the age, so that the persecutors may realize where they have fallen, and have time to repent before the days of desolation; still, God will never fail to fight for the Righteous.
Moreover, now is the period of repentance, from hellfire to Grace; because the time of complete desolation is near, it's time for total submission to our Christ's Calling, so that the purpose of our existence, as ambassadors of Christ, may be fulfilled, for the Salvation of souls in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, thank you for accepting us as your own; graced to proclaim the Good News of Salvation, for the redemption of souls, even as we remain free from Your wrath and judgment, as Your beloved Sons and Daughters,

From Luke 21:20-22

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...