As Faithfuls in Christ Jesus, we will ever remain safe in the Hands of God, dwelling by His Divine Grace where there is everlasting Joy, Peace, and righteousness. In times of tribulation, where God's wrath falls upon the disobedient, the Righteous in Christ Jesus, will never be hurt - for His love shields us from the condemnation every one must face, and shame was placed on Jesus.
Moreover, they who are yet to deliver their talents and gifts towards the advancement of God's Kingdom - delaying the fulfillment of their Christ's Calling and purpose for their lives, are only giving room for the wicked to trample upon them. This is why, as chosen vessels, called to declare the Salvation of the LORD to all, we mustn't relent in bearing fruits for God's Kingdom; being steadfastly committed, as Heirs of the Father.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord Jesus, for I'm safe in your hands, being protected from the wicked, and shielded by your grace and love, which keeps me cleansed from condemnation, as one redeemed by your precious blood,

From Luke 21:23-24

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...