Tuesday, August 29, 2023


The Wisdom of the Holy Spirit is our long-awaited Grace, given by He who is Faithful, to us as Sons and Daughters of God; our adversary can't resist, nor contradict, since we speak by the authority of Christ in us. So, we need not be defensive, premeditating on what to say or do when we are brought before a Judge, nor any persecuting counsel; for the battle is of the LORD, and every word that comes from our mouth - in defense of our faith and Christ's Calling, has been divinely given by our Heavenly Father, who speaks through us by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, let's remain courageously strong, having no fear nor feeling distressed, for the LORD our God is ever with us, protecting us from every manipulative effort of the wicked, standing against the purpose of our existence as chosen vessels, ordained to advance God's Kingdom (Joshua 1:9).
PRAYER: Lord, Jesus Christ, thank You for the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit You've bestowed upon Your Children, which gives us the boldness to stand before men to proclaim the Good News of God's Salvation, even as we remain vindicated by Your Divine authority in us,

From Luke 21:14-15

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...