Tuesday, September 5, 2023


The signs of the end of this age are here, and the Kingdom of God is nearer than most think; for our Lord Jesus Christ is coming very soon to take up the saints, take full control of the Earth, remove the grip of satan over anything, and restore Peace. This is certain, for the end is near; we as faithful Christians, should remain prepared and desiring a place in God's Kingdom.
Furthermore, being prepared requires us to fulfill the purpose of our Calling in Christ Jesus: advancing His Kingdom, while we continuously bear more fruits that remain, for His glory.
PRAYER: Eternal King, thank you for bringing us closer to Your Father's presence, even as Your Kingdom draws nearer to longing hearts, through the Gospel of Salvation, which we proclaim until the end, for the redemption of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 21:29-31

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