Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - the revelation of God's Love in person - is preferred before any Minister, and should be honoured above every vessel ministering in His name; "for, in Him, all things consist," as the Word of God (John 1:1-3 & Colossians 1:17). Besides, our hope and faith should always rest on Christ's work alone; of whom we were called and baptized in His Name, not to idolize any "man of God," but see them as vessels of clay, used for God's glory.
Moreover, "He who comes from Heaven is above all," being the wholeness of God - full of Grace and Truth (John 3:31). So, we should always love and honor Him as our LORD and His Glory mustn't be shared or given to any earthen vessel because we are all vessels created to carry His glory, and as Jesus did not seek His own glory, it is not good for us to pursue praise of our own (Prov. 25:27 & Matt. 6).
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Jesus Christ, for my hope is in You, and my faith lies in no other but You. Even when I receive revelations through Your chosen vessels; You will forever remain my God and Messiah of my Soul!
Thank You for loving me always, and I drink deeply of Your Spirit, asking You to teach Your Church to love You above all while loving those we see around us, before night comes;

From John 1:26-27

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...