We, the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and faithful Children of God, called as witnesses of the true Light, God's Word, are commissioned to proclaim the Salvation of the LORD - reaching out to the hearts of men, alerting their minds to the second coming of the Bridegroom, that more souls may come into repentance and be prepared, keeping their lamps burning as the Bride of the Faithful and True rider (2 Cor. 5:21, Malachi 3:1, Rev. 19:11). This makes us Voices of Salvation, chosen by Everlasting Father, to bear more fruits that remain for the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven, discipling souls. However, this should be done in Love, that the hardened hearts of the sons of men may be broken off, softened as with water, and made receptive to the Salvation of God, through His Servants proclaiming Good News, that the essence of our Christ's calling may be fulfilled, "And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people together will see it, for the mouth of YHWH has spoken," (Isaiah 40:3-5).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You Heavenly Father, for Your Divine presence in me through Your Word, Who made me a voice of Salvation - making known Your Love, as I disciple souls to prepare them for the second coming of Your Son, the Messiah of the World;

From John 1:23

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...