Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Being useful for God's glory requires obedience to His Divine will, that we may live to fulfill our Christ's calling - expanding His Kingdom, as we continuously bear fruits that remain - for His glory. As Jesus was sent with authority, we should be motivated likewise by love, to always be at His beck and call, ready to serve Him humbly in Truth and in the Spirit, which reveals our Christ's identity as faithful servants of God - called and chosen to do the will of the Father on Earth, as it is in Heaven (Rom 10:15 & Matt. 6:10). 
Being faithfully obedient to the LORD, makes us vessels of His Divine manifestation, used for His great and marvelous works - compassionate to all, so that the mindsets of the Sons of Men may be rekindled for Christ - the Light of the World. So, as Bondservants of Christ, called to declare the Truth for the Salvation of souls before our Master returns, we should "work heartily," so that we may remain graciously favored to inherit His Divine blessings, even as blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power and might belong to Him, forever (Col. 3:22-24 & Rev. 7:12).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for allowing me to be of service to You - in obedience to Your Divine will, that I may gracefully live to the fulfillment of my Christ's Calling, as an Heir of Your Kingdom; in Your Holy Name,

From John 2:5

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...